CORRECTION to Oct. 21 story on Hamilton golf

EDS: Clients who used a Cronkite News story slugged Sports-Hamilton Golf that moved Friday, Oct. 21, under a PHOENIX dateline are asked to run the following correction. The errors occurred in the 10th and 11th grafs of the original. A corrected version of the story has been posted here.

PHOENIX – An Oct. 21 Cronkite News story about the Hamilton golf team seeking its fourth straight state championship misstated the number of titles Vincent Cervantes won. He won his first last year and is aiming for his second this season.


CORRECTION to Aug. 31 story on abortions resuming

EDS: Clients who used a Cronkite News story slugged BC-CNS-Abortions Resume that moved Wednesday, Aug. 31, under a WASHINGTON dateline are asked to run the following correction. The error occurred in the 17th graf of the original. A corrected version of the story has been posted here.

WASHINGTON – An Aug. 31 Cronkite News story about abortions resuming in Arizona misstated the number of doctors in Planned Parenthood’s Tucson clinic. The clinic has about 10 staff members in total.


CORRRECTION to Aug. 8 story on fight over Resolution Copper mine

EDS: Clients who used a Cronkite News story slugged BC-CNS-Oak Flat that moved Monday, Aug. 8, under a WASHINGTON dateline are asked to run the following correction. The mine capacity error occurred in the 23rd graf of the original, the mayor’s name occurred throughout. A corrected version of the story has been posted here.

WASHINGTON – An Aug. 8 Cronkite News story about the fight over the proposed Resolution Copper mine misstated the amount of copper the mine can produce. The company estimates the mine could produce up to 40 billion pounds of copper over 40 years. Additionally, the story misidentified the mayor of Superior. Her name is Mila Besich.

CORRECTION to July 20 story on GOP censure of Bowers

EDS: Clients who used a Cronkite News story slugged BC-CNS-Bowers Bounced that moved Wednesday, July 20, under a WASHINGTON dateline are asked to run the following correction. The error occurred in the 12th graf of the original. A corrected version of the story has been posted here.

WASHINGTON – A July 20 Cronkite News story about the Arizona Republican Party’s censure of Arizona House Speaker Rusty Bowers misspelled the first name of the state GOP chairwoman in one quote. She is Kelli Ward.


CORRECTION to July 20 story on Big 12 expansion prospects

EDS: Clients who used a Cronkite News story slugged Sports-Big 12 Expansion that moved Wednesday, July 20, under a PHOENIX dateline are asked to run the following correction. The error occurred throughout the story. A corrected version of the story has been posted here.

PHOENIX – A July 20 Cronkite News story on possible negotiations between the Big 12 and Pac-12 athletic conferences misspelled the last name of the Big 12 commissioner. He is Brett Yormark.

CORRECTION to July 14 story on Trump’s Prescott Valley rally

EDS: Clients who used a Cronkite News story slugged BC-CNS-Trump Bills that moved Thursday, July 14, under a WASHINGTON dateline are asked to run the following correction. The error occurred in the fifth, 15th and 20th grafs of the original. A corrected version of the story has been posted here.

WASHINGTON – A  July 14 Cronkite News story on former President Donald Trump’s upcoming rally in Prescott Valley misspelled the last name of one of the sources. Lane Mandle is the chief of staff to the Tucson city manager.

CORRECTION to June 27 story on abortion law confusion

EDS: Clients who used a Cronkite News story slugged BC-CNS-Legal Questions that moved Monday, June 27, under a WASHINGTON dateline are asked to run the following correction. The error occurred in the 10th, 11th, 12th and 13th grafs of the original. A corrected version of the story has been posted here.

WASHINGTON – A June 27 Cronkite News story on the confusion surrounding Arizona’s current law on abortion misspelled the last name of one of the sources. Jared Keenan is legal director of the  American Civil Liberties Union of Arizona.


CORRECTION to June 17 story on off-Broadway Dreamer play

EDS: Clients who used a Cronkite News story slugged BC-CNS-Dreamer Drama that moved Friday, June 17, under a NEW YORK dateline are asked to run the following correction. The error occurred in the ninth graf of the original. A corrected version of the story has been posted here.

NEW YORK – A June 17 Cronkite News story on Tony Valdovinos, the Arizona Dreamer whose story inspired an off-Broadway musical, misstated his age when he talked with a Marine recruiter, as well as the nature of that recruiter’s relationship to Valdovinos’ high school. Valdovinos was 17 when he spoke with a recruiter who was visiting his school.

CORRECTION to June 7 story on WNBA travel

EDS: Clients who used a Cronkite News story slugged Sports-WNBA Travel that moved Tuesday, June 7, under a PHOENIX dateline are asked to run the following correction. The error occurred in grafs 7 and 21 of the original. A corrected version of the story has been posted here.

WASHINGTON – A June 7 Cronkite News story about WNBA travel misspelled WNBA commissioner Cathy Engelbert’s name. It also misidentified how many NBA teams have an agreement with Delta Air Lines. NBA players fly on charters, and 27 of the league’s 30 teams have an agreement with the airline.



CORRECTION to June 13 story on Senate gun-reform proposal

EDS: Clients who used a Cronkite News story slugged BC-CNS-Guns Deal that moved Monday, June 13, under a WASHINGTON dateline are asked to run the following correction. The error occurred in grafs 17 and 18 of the original. A corrected version of the story has been posted here.

WASHINGTON – A June 13 Cronkite News story on a bipartisan Senate gun-reform plan incorrectly attributed a quote from an Arizona lawmaker. It was Rep. Ruben Gallego, D-Phoenix, who said he preferred tougher reforms passed by the House, but that he does “not want perfect to be the enemy of good,” and that the Senate plan is a step in the right direction.

CORRECTION to May 23 story on Supreme Court death-row rulings

EDS: Clients who used a Cronkite News story slugged BC-CNS-Execution Appeals that moved Monday, May 23, under a WASHINGTON dateline are asked to run the following correction. The error occurred in the 18th graf of the original. A corrected version of the story has been posted here.

WASHINGTON – A May 23 Cronkite News story on the U.S. Supreme Court ruling in two Arizona death-row appeals incorrectly reported the number of death row inmates, both nationally and in Arizona, who were later exonerated. The National Registry of Exonerations reports that 134 former death-row inmates have been exonerated in the U.S. since 1989, with eight of those cases in Arizona.

MANDATORY KILL of May 5 story on MechanicalTrees

EDS: Clients who used a Cronkite News story slugged BC-CNS-ASU MechanicalTree that moved Thursday, May 5, under a TEMPE dateline MUST kill the story. It and two of the accompanying photos may have inadvertently included proprietary information. Clients are encouraged to run the updated version of the story, found here, which removes the challenged photos and a quote.

CORRECTION to May 5 story on MechanicalTrees

EDS: Clients who used a Cronkite News story slugged BC-CNS ASU Mechanical Tree that moved on Thursday, May 5, under a TEMPE dateline are asked to run the following correction. The error occurred in the first two paragraphs and in the headline. The text has been corrected and the story updated here. 

TEMPE – A May 5 Cronkite News story on MechanicalTrees may have inadvertently included proprietary information and incorrectly stated the relationship between Arizona State University and the Dublin-based company Carbon Collect Limited. Carbon Collect created the MechanicalTree using research and support done at ASU.

CORRECTION to May 9 story on forest health

EDS: Clients who used a Cronkite News story slugged BC-CNS-Forest Health that moved Monday, May 9, under a FLAGSTAFF dateline are asked to run the following correction. The error occurred in two photo captions. For your convenience, we have included the two photos, with corrected captions, below the correction text. They have also been updated in the story posted here.

FLAGSTAFF – A May 9 Cronkite News story on forest health had incorrect information in two captions about how trees on A-1 Mountain in the Coconino Forest in Flagstaff are marked for removal during the thinning process. Trees marked with blue or no color are designated for removal while orange markings indicate the tree should be left alone.

^__= Continue reading “CORRECTION to May 9 story on forest health”

CORRECTION to April 4 story on credit report complaints

EDS: Clients who used a Cronkite News story slugged BC-CNS-Credit Complaints that moved Monday, April 4, under a WASHINGTON dateline are asked to run the following correction. The error occurred in the sixth graf of the original. A corrected version of the story has been posted here.

WASHINGTON – An April 4 Cronkite News story on the rising number of complaints about consumer credit reports misidentified the organization that represents credit bureaus. It is the Consumer Data Industry Association.

CORRECTION to March 24 story on Tuskegee Airmen Commemoration Day

EDS: Clients who used a Cronkite News story slugged BC-CNS Tuskegee Airmen Celebration that moved Thursday, March 24, under a GLENDALE dateline are asked to run the following correction. The error occurred in the first graph. A corrected version of the story has been posted here.

GLENDALE – A March 24 Cronkite News story on Arizona’s ninth annual Tuskegee Airmen Commemoration Day had an incorrect date for the celebration at Luke Air Force Base. It was Thursday, March 24. 

CORRECCIÓN a la historia del 4 de marzo sobre la escasez de maestros sustitutos en Arizona

EDS: Los clientes que usaron una historia de Cronkite News sobre la escasez de maestros sustitutos de BC-CNS-Enseñanza Sustituta se publicó el viernes 4 de marzo, desde AVONDALE, deben ejecutar la siguiente corrección. Los errores ocurrieron en el párrafo 13. Una versión corregida de la historia ha sido publicada aquí.

AVONDALE – Una historia de Cronkite News del 4 de marzo sobre la escasez de maestros sustitutos tergiversó la información del Distrito Escolar Primario de Tempe. El 14 de febrero, el distrito llenó el 87 % de sus vacantes, y el título correcto para Gabrielle Dunton es subdirectora de asociaciones estratégicas y comunicación.

CORRECTION to March 4 story on a shortage of substitute teachers in Arizona

EDS: Clients who used a Cronkite News story slugged BC-CNS Substitute Teacher Shortage that moved Friday, March 4, under an AVONDALE dateline are asked to run the following correction. The errors occurred in the 15th paragraph. A corrected version of the story has been posted here.

AVONDALE – A March 4 Cronkite News story on the substitute teacher shortage misstated information from the Tempe Elementary School District. The district on Feb. 14 filled 87% of its vacancies, and the correct title for Gabrielle Dunton is assistant director of strategic partnerships and communication.

CORRECTION to March 8 story on camp for children of incarcerated parents

EDS: Clients who used a Cronkite News story slugged Sports-Kids of Incarcerated Parents that moved Tuesday, March 8, under a MESA dateline are asked to run the following correction. The error occurred in the lead.  A corrected version of the story has been posted here with the reference to the prison sentence moved down.

MESA – A March 8 Cronkite News story on a camp for children of incarcerated parents incorrectly stated the date of a subject’s prison term. The subject was released, not arrested, in 2011.

CLARIFICATION for Feb. 26 Howard Center story on New Mexico gas flaring

EDS: Clients who used a Howard Center for Investigative Journalism story slugged “Gaslit: New Mexico” are asked to run the following clarification. The story was moved by Cronkite News on Saturday, Feb. 26, under a COUNSELOR, New Mexico, dateline. The error occurred in the 30th graf of the original. An updated version of the story has been posted here.

COUNSELOR, New Mexico – A Feb. 26 story by the Howard Center for Investigative Journalism about New Mexico’s regulation of the oil and gas industry was unclear about when the Oil Conservation Division was re-authorized to issue fines. The legislature reinstated that authority in 2019, and it took effect in 2020.