CORRECTION to Oct. 3 story on LA Olympics transportation

EDS: Clients who used the Cronkite News story slugged LA Olympics Transportation, which moved Thursday, Oct. 3, under a LOS ANGELES dateline, are asked to run the following correction. The errors occurred in grafs 2, 13 and 21 of the original. A corrected version of the story has been posted here.

LOS ANGELES – An Oct. 3 Cronkite News story about Southern California transportation upgrades misspelled the last name of one of the subjects quoted. Sam Morrissey is vice president of transportation for LA28, the 2028 Olympic Games’ organizing committee.

CORRECTION to Sept. 25 story on stalled RECA compensation program

EDS: Clients who used the Cronkite News story slugged RECA Rally that moved Wednesday, Sept. 25, under a WASHINGTON dateline are asked to run the following correction. The error occurred in graf 6 of the original. A corrected version of the story has been posted here.

WASHINGTON – A Sept. 25 Cronkite News story about a federal compensation program known as RECA should have stated that “downwinders” from the Nevada nuclear test site were eligible for $50,000, while uranium workers were eligible for $100,000.

CLARIFICATION to story about unspent federal aid for homeless students

EDS: Clients who used the Cronkite News story slugged Homeless Money Unspent that moved Wednesday, Sept. 18, under a WASHINGTON dateline are asked to run the following clarification. A corrected version of the story has been posted here, and grafs 14 and 15 have been updated.

WASHINGTON – Editor’s note: This story has been updated to reflect that the Leona Group, which operates 28 charter schools in Arizona, declined to comment on the record.


CORRECTION to July 29 story about Tucson exploring public utility

EDS: Clients who used the Cronkite News story slugged Public Power Tucson that moved Monday, July 29, under a WASHINGTON dateline are asked to run the following correction. The error occurred in graf 23 of the original. A corrected version of the story has been posted here.

WASHINGTON – A July 29 Cronkite News story about Tucson exploring a shift to a public power utility incorrectly described a recent rate cut. The $10 monthly reduction provided in June to Tucson Electric Power customers is permanent.

CORRECTION to July 22 story about religious opposition to IVF

EDS: Clients who used the Cronkite News story slugged BC-CNS-Arizona IVF that moved Monday, July 22, under a PHOENIX dateline are asked to run the following correction. The error occurred in a quote in graf 20 of the original. A corrected version of the story has been posted here.

PHOENIX – A July 22 Cronkite News story about religious opposition to in vitro fertilization incorrectly quoted E-Beth Marshall, who has had multiple miscarriages and is executive director of Advanced Fertility Care. “We opted not to do PGT testing (pre-implantation genetic testing) because it was just something that we just thought wasn’t necessary,” Marshall said.

CORRECTION to July 9 story about Arizona Democratic delegates

EDS: Clients who used the Cronkite News story slugged BC-CNS-Delegates Arizona Biden that moved Tuesday, July 9, under a WASHINGTON dateline are asked to run the following correction. The error occurred in graf 10 of the original. A corrected version of the story has been posted here.

WASHINGTON – A July 9 Cronkite News story about Arizona Democratic delegates and whether President Joe Biden should remain the party’s nominee incorrectly stated the views of delegate Mark Robert Gordon. He said that “it’s time to put this to bed” but expects further “introspection” among Democrats in case of “another incident” like Biden’s debate performance.

CORRECTION to July 5 story about RECA nuclear fallout compensation expiration

EDS: Clients who used the Cronkite News story slugged BC-CNS-RECA Expired that moved Friday, July 5, under a WASHINGTON dateline are asked to run the following correction. The error occurred in graf 17 of the original. A corrected version of the story has been posted here.

WASHINGTON – A July 5 Cronkite News story about a federal compensation program for uranium miners and people downwind of nuclear tests incorrectly stated how much longer people could apply under a pending bill. The bill would extend the deadline for five years.

CLARIFICATION to June 18 story about California’s offer of emergency licenses for Arizona doctors who perform abortions

EDS: Clients who used a Cronkite News story slugged BC-CNS-Abortion California that moved Tuesday, June 18, under a WASHINGTON dateline are asked to run the following update. The clarification is in the last graf of the original. A new version of the story has been posted here.
WASHINGTON – A June 18 Cronkite News story about Arizona doctors and licenses to perform abortions in California featured a now out-of-date number provided to Cronkite News. The new graph should say, “Under the 2022 law, 69 physicians have received licenses, according to the California Department of Consumer Affairs.”

CORRECTION to June 18 story about California’s offer of emergency licenses for Arizona doctors who perform abortions

EDS: Clients who used the Cronkite News story slugged Abortion California that moved Tuesday, June 18, under a WASHINGTON dateline are asked to run the following correction. The errors occurred in graf 11 of the original. A corrected version of the story has been posted here.

WASHINGTON – A June 18 Cronkite News story about California’s offer of emergency licenses for Arizona doctors who perform abortions incorrectly stated how many of the state’s nine abortion clinics Pro-Choice Arizona and the Abortion Fund of Arizona work with. The group works with four of the five independent clinics.

CORRECTION to June 4 story about Arizona’s cannabis social equity program

EDS: Clients who used a Cronkite News story slugged BC-CNS-Cannabis Social Equity that moved Tuesday, June 4, under a PHOENIX dateline are asked to run the following correction. The error occurred in the 55th graf of the original. A corrected version of the story has been posted here.

PHOENIX – A June 4 Cronkite News story about Arizona’s cannabis social equity program misquoted civil litigation and cannabis lawyer Jimmy Cool. “You’re going to send these people back to their communities, they’re going to spend money at the local store, they’re gonna contribute to the property tax base, they are going to enrich their community,” Cool said. “It creates economic activity in these areas that we hollowed out.”

CORRECTION to June 5 story about right-to-contraception bill

EDS: Clients who used the Cronkite News story slugged BC-CNS-Contraceptives Senate that moved Wednesday, June 5, under a WASHINGTON dateline are asked to run the following correction. The error occurred in the headline of the original. A corrected version of the story has been posted here.

WASHINGTON – The headline on a June 5 Cronkite News story about a measure that attempted to ensure access to birth control nationwide misspelled the first name of Sen. Kyrsten Sinema.

CORRECTION to May 23 story about Live Nation and Ticketmaster

EDS: Clients who used the Cronkite News story slugged BC-CNS-Live Nation Lawsuit that moved Thursday, May 23, under a WASHINGTON dateline are asked to run the following correction. The errors occurred in the 3rd and 5th grafs of the original. A corrected version of the story has been posted here.

WASHINGTON – A May 23 Cronkite News story about an antitrust lawsuit against Live Nation and its Ticketmaster subsidiary incorrectly represented the relationship between Live Nation and State Farm Stadium in Glendale, which uses Ticketmaster and other providers. The story also misstated how many states joined the U.S. Justice Department in the lawsuit; it was 29 plus the District of Columbia.

CORRECTION to May 10 story about border shelters

EDS: Clients who used the Cronkite News story slugged BC-CNS-Shelter Skelter that moved Friday, May 10, under a TUCSON dateline are asked to run the following correction. The error occurred in the 28th, 29th and 31st grafs of the original. A corrected version of the story has been posted here.

TUCSON – A May 10 Cronkite News story about border shelters misspelled the last name of Pima County Supervisor Steve Christy.

Correction to May 2 story on Suns postmortem

EDS: Clients who used the Cronkite News story slugged Sports-Suns Ishbia Jones Reax that moved Thursday, May 2, under a PHOENIX dateline are asked to run the following correction. The error occurred in the headline and first graf of the original. A corrected version of the story has been posted here.

PHOENIX – A May 2 Cronkite News story about the Phoenix Suns misspelled owner Mat Ishbia’s first name.


CORRECTION to April 29 story about Culdesac community

EDS: Clients who used the Cronkite News story slugged BC-CNS-Pedestrian Living that moved Monday, April 29, under a TEMPE dateline are asked to run the following correction. The error occurred in the 13th graf of the original. A corrected version of the story has been posted here.

TEMPE – An April 29 Cronkite News story about the new Culdesac car-free community included incorrect timing for its opening. The community opened to residents last May.


CORRECTION to April 22 story about Catalina Foothills High tennis

EDS: Clients who used the Cronkite News story slugged Sports-Catalina Foothills Tennis that moved Monday, April 22, under a TUCSON dateline are asked to run the following correction. The error occurred in the byline. A corrected version of the story has been posted here.

TUCSON – An April 22 Cronkite News story about Catalina Foothills High tennis had an incorrect byline. The story was written by Brett Lapinski.

CORRECTION to April 17 story about the M3F music festival’s philanthropic efforts

EDS: Clients who used the Cronkite News story slugged BC-CNS-M3F Philanthropy that moved Wednesday, April 17, under a PHOENIX dateline are asked to run the following correction. The error occurred in the 13th graf of the original. A corrected version of the story has been posted here.

PHOENIX – An April 17 Cronkite News story about the M3F music festival’s philanthropic efforts included incorrect timing of a Free Arts Day put on by Free Arts for Abused Children of Arizona. At the Free Arts Day in November, the organization hosted youth from three shelters for unaccompanied minors.

CORRECCIÓN al reportaje del 11 de abril sobre el Festival de Cine de Phoenix

EDS: A los clientes que usaron un reportaje de Cronkite Noticias sobre Festival de Cine BC-CNS-Phoenix que se envió el viernes 12 de abril bajo una línea de fecha de PHOENIX se les pide que ejecuten la siguiente corrección. El error se produjo en el párrafo 12 del original. Una versión corregida de la historia ha sido publicada aquí

PHOENIX – Un artículo de Cronkite Noticias del 11 de abril citó erróneamente al cineasta Greg Kwedar en referencia a su socio creativo, Clint Bentley. La cita corregida de Kwedar debería decir: “Mi socio creativo Clint y yo filmamos nuestra última película aquí, y fuimos muy bien recibidos por la comunidad”.

CORRECTION to April 11 story on Phoenix Film Festival

EDS: Clients who used a Cronkite News story slugged BC-CNS-Phoenix Film Festival that moved Thursday, April 11, under a PHOENIX dateline are asked to run the following correction. The error occurred in the 11th graf of the original. A corrected version of the story has been posted here.

PHOENIX – An April 11 Cronkite News story misquoted filmmaker Greg Kwedar in reference to his creative partner, Clint Bentley. Kwedar’s corrected quote should read, “My creative partner Clint and I shot our last movie here, and we were very embraced by the community.”


CORRECTION to photo credit on Black businesses story

NOTE: Clients who used a story slugged BC-CNS-Black Businesses, which moved March 25, under a PHOENIX dateline, are asked to use the following correction. Caption information on the story posted here has been corrected to reflect the proper credit.

PHOENIX – A photo of Jalissa Smith that moved with a March 25 story about Black businesses in Arizona included an incorrect photo credit. The photo below should have been credited to Kayla Jackson/Cronkite News. Continue reading “CORRECTION to photo credit on Black businesses story”